British Medical Acupuncture is a contemporary adaptation of acupuncture that merges traditional Chinese methods with modern Western medical understanding.
This practice is often utilised by healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, sports therapists, physiotherapists, doctors, and nurses, who blend it seamlessly into broader clinical treatments.
British Medical Acupuncture primarily focuses on the biomechanical and neurological aspects of pain management and muscle function, employing a scientific approach to this ancient technique.
Unlike traditional acupuncture, which targets the flow of Qi through meridians, British Medical Acupuncture focuses on anatomical and neurophysiological principles.
It involves the insertion of fine needles into specific areas where nerves and muscles intersect or where nerve roots can be influenced.
The aim is to stimulate the nervous system, causing a release of natural pain-relieving chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins, as well as neurotransmitters that can modify the way pain is perceived. This stimulation also promotes muscle relaxation and improved blood circulation, contributing to healing and recovery.
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